Friday 20 April 2007

Lying with integrity?

I think that with any lie, you have to ask yourself if you can live with the consequences of what your about to say... if you really think it over it is more than likely gonna cause worse situations in the long run. in the majority of cases telling the truth, being honest, will be hard to do- but the right thing is often the hardest.

Santa is banned from my house! i want my child to know that i work hard to provide her with the things she gets. There were a lot of comments in the lecture about children and lying to protect them- That's rubbish! Children deserve more credit than that! I know that in some situations children don't need to know all the Gorey details- but just give them i simplified version- don't make something up!

i appreciate people who are honest with me, who tell it like it is! Yes we all lie but sometimes i think you may as well suck it up and tell the truth- in most circumstances where i have lied it was because of fear...why do you lie?

More time lies will spiral out of control, taking all your memory and energy to keep up with them- most of the time its easier to tell the truth- but sometimes its m,ore exciting to lie!!!

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