To be honest i think that the fuss caused by governments over the veil is just another way to suppress another group of people and attempt to make them conform. people scapegoat whole groups of people as being responsible for the 'BAD' things that go on in society i.e. terrorism- because its easier than admitting that they as government are at fault.
I Would like to comment on some comments made in the above blog on the religious wear. I want to say that i admire those women whose faith means so much to them, people who are not affraid to display to the world thier faith- making a statement of what they believe, however i believe that it is not the religious context for the wearing of religious symbols that is the issue for most people, i think that it is more to do with not being able to see the persons face- and therefor we are unable to identify them- for the most part i think people are ignorant to the reasons for wearing the veil, when people don't understand something they tend to fear it- this creates discrimination. we live in a society where no one trusts any one else, people see each other as a constant threat. If a group of black young men went into the city centre wearing ski masks and hoods there would be issues about the 'security of other shoppers'- your not even allowed to wear hoods in shops these days, in this case is it OK to stop me entering the Mander centre with a hood on because of the suppose threat i pose as a shop lifter- but then allow a women in with a full veil to enter? i have nothing against the wearing of the full veil- we should all be free to believe and do as we want ( in an ideal world) but this is not an ideal world and its unfair to penalise one group by banning hoods - but allow turbans and veils for another- does this mean that relig
ious people do not commit crime? i feel that the government has taken issues of security too far- it is not justified that we are now told what we can or cannot wear- religiously or for fashion. We will never be free from racial or religious stereotypes or discrimination- it seems that those in power always feel the need to attack the beliefs and culture of minority groups. Hijab has been banned in some schools as it is 'supposed to affect learning' what a load of rubbish- once my younger brother was made to sit out side the headteachers office all day to work because he had a pattern cut into his hair- what have these appearance related issues got to do with how a child learns? It is purely discrimination.
To be honest i think that the fuss caused by governments over the veil is just another way to suppress another group of people and attempt to make them conform. people scapegoat whole groups of people as being responsible for the 'BAD' things that go on in society i.e. terrorism- because its easier than admitting that they as government are at fault.
I Would like to comment on some comments made in the above blog on the religious wear. I want to say that i admire those women whose faith means so much to them, people who are not affraid to display to the world thier faith- making a statement of what they believe, however i believe that it is not the religious context for the wearing of religious symbols that is the issue for most people, i think that it is more to do with not being able to see the persons face- and therefor we are unable to identify them- for the most part i think people are ignorant to the reasons for wearing the veil, when people don't understand something they tend to fear it- this creates discrimination. we live in a society where no one trusts any one else, people see each other as a constant threat. If a group of black young men went into the city centre wearing ski masks and hoods there would be issues about the 'security of other shoppers'- your not even allowed to wear hoods in shops these days, in this case is it OK to stop me entering the Mander centre with a hood on because of the suppose threat i pose as a shop lifter- but then allow a women in with a full veil to enter? i have nothing against the wearing of the full veil- we should all be free to believe and do as we want ( in an ideal world) but this is not an ideal world and its unfair to penalise one group by banning hoods - but allow turbans and veils for another- does this mean that relig

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