Thursday, 10 May 2007
good liar???? just want to ask are you crazy- yes George bush is a liar- but can you seriously call him a good liar???
The Veil
To be honest i think that the fuss caused by governments over the veil is just another way to suppress another group of people and attempt to make them conform. people scapegoat whole groups of people as being responsible for the 'BAD' things that go on in society i.e. terrorism- because its easier than admitting that they as government are at fault.
I Would like to comment on some comments made in the above blog on the religious wear. I want to say that i admire those women whose faith means so much to them, people who are not affraid to display to the world thier faith- making a statement of what they believe, however i believe that it is not the religious context for the wearing of religious symbols that is the issue for most people, i think that it is more to do with not being able to see the persons face- and therefor we are unable to identify them- for the most part i think people are ignorant to the reasons for wearing the veil, when people don't understand something they tend to fear it- this creates discrimination. we live in a society where no one trusts any one else, people see each other as a constant threat. If a group of black young men went into the city centre wearing ski masks and hoods there would be issues about the 'security of other shoppers'- your not even allowed to wear hoods in shops these days, in this case is it OK to stop me entering the Mander centre with a hood on because of the suppose threat i pose as a shop lifter- but then allow a women in with a full veil to enter? i have nothing against the wearing of the full veil- we should all be free to believe and do as we want ( in an ideal world) but this is not an ideal world and its unfair to penalise one group by banning hoods - but allow turbans and veils for another- does this mean that relig
ious people do not commit crime? i feel that the government has taken issues of security too far- it is not justified that we are now told what we can or cannot wear- religiously or for fashion. We will never be free from racial or religious stereotypes or discrimination- it seems that those in power always feel the need to attack the beliefs and culture of minority groups. Hijab has been banned in some schools as it is 'supposed to affect learning' what a load of rubbish- once my younger brother was made to sit out side the headteachers office all day to work because he had a pattern cut into his hair- what have these appearance related issues got to do with how a child learns? It is purely discrimination.
To be honest i think that the fuss caused by governments over the veil is just another way to suppress another group of people and attempt to make them conform. people scapegoat whole groups of people as being responsible for the 'BAD' things that go on in society i.e. terrorism- because its easier than admitting that they as government are at fault.
I Would like to comment on some comments made in the above blog on the religious wear. I want to say that i admire those women whose faith means so much to them, people who are not affraid to display to the world thier faith- making a statement of what they believe, however i believe that it is not the religious context for the wearing of religious symbols that is the issue for most people, i think that it is more to do with not being able to see the persons face- and therefor we are unable to identify them- for the most part i think people are ignorant to the reasons for wearing the veil, when people don't understand something they tend to fear it- this creates discrimination. we live in a society where no one trusts any one else, people see each other as a constant threat. If a group of black young men went into the city centre wearing ski masks and hoods there would be issues about the 'security of other shoppers'- your not even allowed to wear hoods in shops these days, in this case is it OK to stop me entering the Mander centre with a hood on because of the suppose threat i pose as a shop lifter- but then allow a women in with a full veil to enter? i have nothing against the wearing of the full veil- we should all be free to believe and do as we want ( in an ideal world) but this is not an ideal world and its unfair to penalise one group by banning hoods - but allow turbans and veils for another- does this mean that relig

End of module
Age? 21
Sex? Female
What is your degree subject (both if joint)? BA (HONS) SOCIOLOGY
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes
If so, how? And if not, why not? Thinking critically about behaviours which we as a society label as deviant is part of sociological thinking- deviance will be different in different society's and over periods of time because of the way norms and values develop and change- this concept is key in the study of sociology as the norms and values we are formed within determine to some extent the person we become.
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? i have found this module to be at an appropriate level.
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? yes- even though some things included didn't strike me as 'BAD'- thinking critically in lectures allowed me to see other perspectives.
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? Issues like abortion, teen pregnancy or euthanasia- would all be controversial and challenging- perhaps to much so.
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? yes
What did you think of the module team? good
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? definitely
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? yes
Information and talk from lecturers? this was at an appropriate level.
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? yes
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? yes
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? yes
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? yes
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn't Be Allowed’ at level 2? still considering options
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? definitely
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? definitely- i feel that having the opportunity to express my views on things- and talk them through for my own benefit was beneficial.
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? i enjoyed the assessments as they were different from the usual essay only format- this was one of my favourite things bout the module.
What have you learned from the module? i have learned to question myself about the things i find so offensive and wrong- is there good to be said for bad behaviour- i have found that most times there is.
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? weblog tutorials as i had no clue what to do.
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? none
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? no
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
For a seriously entertaining night in i would strongly suggest 'Kings of comedy', it is bad comedy at it's best and well worth a watch! yes it's been going for a while but it still gets a belly laugh from me! Sadly 'Queens of comedy don't quiet cut it- but never mind- lets not make general assumptions about men being funnier than women (even though we know they are ladies!!! lol). For a general review and cheap copies visit...
Happy viewing!
Comedy- a chance to be brutally honest!
My favourite comedians are ones like Richard Prior, Bernie Mack and Cedric the entertainer- i even enjoy Peter Kay- all these comedians base their comedy on reality- real life situations which we all face. What i feel makes them funny is that they can talk about things we might be to embarrassed about or to guilty about- with the justification of comedy! they talk about things that we can relate to, we enjoy knowing on some level that other peoples lives are just as f'd up as ours and that were all the same. Racism, beating your kids,police brutality- are all things that can be discussed in the most frank of ways- only through comedy, there is no other scenario where you can be so direct without offending people. Bernie Mack can be frank about his negative experiences with white people- and the white people in the audience will laugh with him- where else does that happen?
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Teenage pregnancy
Just wanted some response on this one...There seems to be an abundance of negative opinions on teen pregnancy and how we, as a society, should stop it from happening... but why? Do teen parents produce strange mutant children who threaten to take over the world? Yes i agree that most girls who get pregnant young do so through ignorance naivety or because they desperately want someone to love- some even do it to get a council house or so that they can get benefit... but some of these girls make great mothers, Is this a point that is being overlooked?
I had my daughter young... (she's not a mutant) and i think i have done an excellent job- shes intelligent, she passed all her developmental milestones early- walking at 8months, she's polite and as manners and speaks at an advanced level for her age... she's never dirty, her clothes are always clean and ironed! I live alone and run the house myself- that too is always clean- there are no major health risks, i don't drink or smoke and my child is safe and loved (all this even if i do say so myself). Can someone please tell me why the government is placing so much emphasis on preventing children like my daughter being born... have i made a poor parent simply because i was young? With the right attitude and information anyone can successfully raise a child- is having your first child any less difficult at 25-30? i don't think it is- your still starting from scratch with little experience and we all have to learn how to be a good parent- regardless of age.
As you can probably see i feel strongly on this issue...some girls do find it hard to cope with a baby young but i feel that if these girls were better informed on everything from contraception to pregnancy and parenting they would be able to make better choices- one of these may still be to have a child... is this so wrong? some older people ave children that they don't look after- just talk to social services!
If they do decide to have a baby young they need support not criticism...we don't all sponge off your taxes! I work and go to university and i am a fantastic mom!!! There seems to be an assumption that surviving on benefit is a desirable choice for people- perhaps it is for a small ignorant minority, but most people want better out of life- for themselves and their children.
In other societies it is normal for teenage girls to marry and have children- why is it such an issue in the west??
I had my daughter young... (she's not a mutant) and i think i have done an excellent job- shes intelligent, she passed all her developmental milestones early- walking at 8months, she's polite and as manners and speaks at an advanced level for her age... she's never dirty, her clothes are always clean and ironed! I live alone and run the house myself- that too is always clean- there are no major health risks, i don't drink or smoke and my child is safe and loved (all this even if i do say so myself). Can someone please tell me why the government is placing so much emphasis on preventing children like my daughter being born... have i made a poor parent simply because i was young? With the right attitude and information anyone can successfully raise a child- is having your first child any less difficult at 25-30? i don't think it is- your still starting from scratch with little experience and we all have to learn how to be a good parent- regardless of age.
As you can probably see i feel strongly on this issue...some girls do find it hard to cope with a baby young but i feel that if these girls were better informed on everything from contraception to pregnancy and parenting they would be able to make better choices- one of these may still be to have a child... is this so wrong? some older people ave children that they don't look after- just talk to social services!
If they do decide to have a baby young they need support not criticism...we don't all sponge off your taxes! I work and go to university and i am a fantastic mom!!! There seems to be an assumption that surviving on benefit is a desirable choice for people- perhaps it is for a small ignorant minority, but most people want better out of life- for themselves and their children.
In other societies it is normal for teenage girls to marry and have children- why is it such an issue in the west??
Response to a blog on 'Kids', Blog title 'Being Bad'. i totally agree that some people have over reacted to this film (saying that it should never have been made) yes- your right i think it is important for people to see! the images and perspectives depicted in this film represent real life for a lot of young people in society today- there's no point pretending its not happening, burying our heads in the sand doesn't make the problem go away. Ignorance kills, thinking it wont happen to you makes young and naive people take risks which result in the rising HIV and AIDS rates in the UK today.
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
infidelity or not?!?!
the above blog gave me some food for thought! it discussed the way that infidelity is thought of as 'normal' in some relationships- but in this context maybe we shouldn't class it as infidelity...if both partners are aware of the situation and agree to this being a part of their relationship then to me it cant be me infidelity is when one partner seeks out a sexual partner or relationship outside of the one their already in- they lie, cheat and deceive the original partner so that they can have their cake and eat it to! this act is wrong because the other partner knows nothing of whats going on and will inevitably be hurt when it comes out.
In response to high rates of infidelity in the west, i would say that there is still a taboo in this country about divorce and leaving your wife/ husband and kids- there is a stigma attached which makes people turn to infidelity as a form of escape- while they maintain a 'wholesome' image and keep up with the Jones'.
in some communities it is a social norm for one partner (usually the man) to take more than one partner- in this case there would be no need for infidelity as it would be acceptable to form new relationships without breaking off existing ones when you get bored!
Also i would point out that in the west there is no strict penalty for being unfaithful- yes you lose face in some peoples eye's and risk losing your original partner- but if your not happy with this person any way- whats stopping you. Do you face a fine? Do you face prison? Will you be stoned? Will you face any form of legal penalty- NO! ITS LEGAL TO HAVE AN AFFAIR, AND OFTEN THE CONSEQUENCES OF AN AFFAIR ARE EASY FOR THE PERSON TO LIVE WITH- SIMPLY PEOPLE DO IT BECAUSE THEY CAN!
the above blog gave me some food for thought! it discussed the way that infidelity is thought of as 'normal' in some relationships- but in this context maybe we shouldn't class it as infidelity...if both partners are aware of the situation and agree to this being a part of their relationship then to me it cant be me infidelity is when one partner seeks out a sexual partner or relationship outside of the one their already in- they lie, cheat and deceive the original partner so that they can have their cake and eat it to! this act is wrong because the other partner knows nothing of whats going on and will inevitably be hurt when it comes out.
In response to high rates of infidelity in the west, i would say that there is still a taboo in this country about divorce and leaving your wife/ husband and kids- there is a stigma attached which makes people turn to infidelity as a form of escape- while they maintain a 'wholesome' image and keep up with the Jones'.
in some communities it is a social norm for one partner (usually the man) to take more than one partner- in this case there would be no need for infidelity as it would be acceptable to form new relationships without breaking off existing ones when you get bored!
Also i would point out that in the west there is no strict penalty for being unfaithful- yes you lose face in some peoples eye's and risk losing your original partner- but if your not happy with this person any way- whats stopping you. Do you face a fine? Do you face prison? Will you be stoned? Will you face any form of legal penalty- NO! ITS LEGAL TO HAVE AN AFFAIR, AND OFTEN THE CONSEQUENCES OF AN AFFAIR ARE EASY FOR THE PERSON TO LIVE WITH- SIMPLY PEOPLE DO IT BECAUSE THEY CAN!
Don't know if any of you have watched this show but it was definitely food for thought for's a link to the home page for 'BIG LOVE' a drama series about Mormon polygamists...
Monday, 30 April 2007
i read a blog on smacking by a fellow student and i would like to high light one point... the law talks about parents who hit so hard it leaves a mark- to me if your bruising or marking up the child's skin it is abuse. as a child i got 'beaten' but my parents never marked me- it hurt like hell for a few minutes but there were never any marks. As a mother i always watch the 'super Nannie' shows- an i agree its a load of rubbish, every child is different and responds differently- the naughty step ain't always appropriate punishment. i do smack my daughter, but only if all else fails (naughty step, taking toys etc). i think that as a child i took a calculated risk sometimes- doing things even with the threat of a beating- so i don't think it had a major negative affect on me. i was never scared of my parents- i knew right from wrong, and i knew what was expected of me- if i stepped out of line i knew what to expect.
smacking is an accepted form of punishment in many communities and cultures- i think England is becoming to much of a Nannie state- its up to you as a parent to decide whats best for your children- OK there are some extreme cases where individuals go to far and put their children at risk- but should we all be penalised for this minority. should we be left to raise our children as we feel? what do you think about this new law?
i read a blog on smacking by a fellow student and i would like to high light one point... the law talks about parents who hit so hard it leaves a mark- to me if your bruising or marking up the child's skin it is abuse. as a child i got 'beaten' but my parents never marked me- it hurt like hell for a few minutes but there were never any marks. As a mother i always watch the 'super Nannie' shows- an i agree its a load of rubbish, every child is different and responds differently- the naughty step ain't always appropriate punishment. i do smack my daughter, but only if all else fails (naughty step, taking toys etc). i think that as a child i took a calculated risk sometimes- doing things even with the threat of a beating- so i don't think it had a major negative affect on me. i was never scared of my parents- i knew right from wrong, and i knew what was expected of me- if i stepped out of line i knew what to expect.
smacking is an accepted form of punishment in many communities and cultures- i think England is becoming to much of a Nannie state- its up to you as a parent to decide whats best for your children- OK there are some extreme cases where individuals go to far and put their children at risk- but should we all be penalised for this minority. should we be left to raise our children as we feel? what do you think about this new law?
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Shocking images I was quite shocked by the graphic images Mr Collymore used in his blog titled Abortion, and surprised at how developed the foetus was- However i think that people are often naive and ignorant about abortion and need to see these images. Abortion is used as a method of contraception -which is wrong. I believe that every one has the right to their own choices but i think those decisions should be informed ones! At the end of the day your taking a life- can you ever really justify this??
Monday, 23 April 2007
Well worth a read, this blog had me laughing all da way through! It is so true, women can be open about owning sex toys and devices- but men are made to feel dirty! Women have Ann Summers parties- men have secret porn stashes!!! However i think this could be because of men's insecurities and preferences- I'll explain... Men fear looking inferior to their peers, they can talk all day about the women they have had- but admitting you just went to the toilet for some 'alone time' would imply that you can't get any the 'proper' way...Men encourage women to be more open about their sexuality- you get turned on by it, women's sex toys aren't really marketed as replacements to your man- they are more the 'added bonus' when he chooses a night out with the lads instead of you. Just face it... men probably enjoy the thought of women enjoying their latest Ann Summers purchase- where as i don't think there is the same appeal for a women watching a man! (i speak for myself)
Had to give you a direct link to this comment made on my blog- cause it made my day- Thanks Alfredo, I'm glad to see that you appreciate my efforts!
Had to give you a direct link to this comment made on my blog- cause it made my day- Thanks Alfredo, I'm glad to see that you appreciate my efforts!
Friday, 20 April 2007
Lying with integrity?

I think that with any lie, you have to ask yourself if you can live with the consequences of what your about to say... if you really think it over it is more than likely gonna cause worse situations in the long run. in the majority of cases telling the truth, being honest, will be hard to do- but the right thing is often the hardest.
Santa is banned from my house! i want my child to know that i work hard to provide her with the things she gets. There were a lot of comments in the lecture about children and lying to protect them- That's rubbish! Children deserve more credit than that! I know that in some situations children don't need to know all the Gorey details- but just give them i simplified version- don't make something up!
i appreciate people who are honest with me, who tell it like it is! Yes we all lie but sometimes i think you may as well suck it up and tell the truth- in most circumstances where i have lied it was because of fear...why do you lie?
More time lies will spiral out of control, taking all your memory and energy to keep up with them- most of the time its easier to tell the truth- but sometimes its m,ore exciting to lie!!!
Santa is banned from my house! i want my child to know that i work hard to provide her with the things she gets. There were a lot of comments in the lecture about children and lying to protect them- That's rubbish! Children deserve more credit than that! I know that in some situations children don't need to know all the Gorey details- but just give them i simplified version- don't make something up!
i appreciate people who are honest with me, who tell it like it is! Yes we all lie but sometimes i think you may as well suck it up and tell the truth- in most circumstances where i have lied it was because of fear...why do you lie?
More time lies will spiral out of control, taking all your memory and energy to keep up with them- most of the time its easier to tell the truth- but sometimes its m,ore exciting to lie!!!
Thursday, 19 April 2007
A response to ' Is there such thing as being to religious?'

Blog title Be good at being bad...
I agree with what you said about some religious teachings often encouraging us to behave in a better way( not being violent etc) and i feel that religion is vital to many of us in giving us a sense of belonging, identity and unity.I was bought up in the christian faith but as i have grown up i have become less and less religious, i find myself wondering if it is right to follow religion- there are thousands of religions and we can't all be right- what do you think? do you think it is ok simply to try and live a good and honest life, without believeng in one particular version of the truth?I also agree that people use religion to justify terrorism and general badness like genocide- this is wrong, every religion i know teaches us to love others and respect thier veiws even when we do not always agree- I think that was a good point for you to make.
I agree with what you said about some religious teachings often encouraging us to behave in a better way( not being violent etc) and i feel that religion is vital to many of us in giving us a sense of belonging, identity and unity.I was bought up in the christian faith but as i have grown up i have become less and less religious, i find myself wondering if it is right to follow religion- there are thousands of religions and we can't all be right- what do you think? do you think it is ok simply to try and live a good and honest life, without believeng in one particular version of the truth?I also agree that people use religion to justify terrorism and general badness like genocide- this is wrong, every religion i know teaches us to love others and respect thier veiws even when we do not always agree- I think that was a good point for you to make.
Domestic abuse

Just wanted to throw this one out there... what do you think? I Think all of us have some experience of domestic violence even if it is remote (i.e. we know a friend or relative). Growing up i was bought up knowing that domestic violence was a 'normal' part of some relationships- but with the double standard that if any man ever hit me my dad would kill him!!! I know that most people are shocked by some of the tales we hear on the media, but having over heard these tales from the loving adults around me as a young child- i think i have been desensitised. I don't think i could ever be in a relationship and allow a man to abuse me- i think i have been bought up to have a fighting spirit and i would fight back, through whatever means. Is it that these women have no self worth, no value of their lives- has this been taken away from them, do they feel that they need the Man and so wont leave, do these abusers have psychological control over their victims?
If you do reply to this blog please leave a comment on the comments page as well as on your own blog so that i can read it! thanks. here are some government statistics and help lines for any one who wants more info.
If you do reply to this blog please leave a comment on the comments page as well as on your own blog so that i can read it! thanks. here are some government statistics and help lines for any one who wants more info.
I would just like to comment on an image used in Donnie's Blog- on the topic of masturbation! Well done- if ever there was an image which would stick in your mind and put you off, you found it!!!
Bill Crosby, looking disapproving, holding a sign saying: 'when you masturbate your deceased relatives watch you from heaven and cry!'
The last thing you would want to think about when committing any sexual act would be your Great Gran or anyone else watching you- Thanks for putting the idea in my head! lol Take a look for yourselves!
Bill Crosby, looking disapproving, holding a sign saying: 'when you masturbate your deceased relatives watch you from heaven and cry!'
The last thing you would want to think about when committing any sexual act would be your Great Gran or anyone else watching you- Thanks for putting the idea in my head! lol Take a look for yourselves!
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
As a response to your blog on religion, i was also christened church of England when i was a baby- and have since had a Christian blessing for my own daughter, but despite this i am not particularly religious. I guess i did it for the sake of 'Tradition' (whatever that means). I feel like i want my daughter to go to church and have the same experiences that i have- but i don't really know what i believe in these days. My experiences of religion in recent years have been full of hypocrisy and people using religion as an excuse for hate and badness against others. Some of the things i learnt as a child about unconditional love and not judging others, seems to be forgotten by 'Christians' who condem you for your choices. The way i see it we all have to live and learn, and if there is a god, then one day i will answer to him for my actions!
As a response to your blog on religion, i was also christened church of England when i was a baby- and have since had a Christian blessing for my own daughter, but despite this i am not particularly religious. I guess i did it for the sake of 'Tradition' (whatever that means). I feel like i want my daughter to go to church and have the same experiences that i have- but i don't really know what i believe in these days. My experiences of religion in recent years have been full of hypocrisy and people using religion as an excuse for hate and badness against others. Some of the things i learnt as a child about unconditional love and not judging others, seems to be forgotten by 'Christians' who condem you for your choices. The way i see it we all have to live and learn, and if there is a god, then one day i will answer to him for my actions!
I would like to respond to a question by Jess Kate which came out of an earlier blog i wrote on Shoplifting. she asks: However can it still be justified to the parent that cant afford to look after one baby but continues to get pregnant? My answer would be no. I fully understand the physical, emotional and financial pressures a woman faces trying to bring up a child alone- sometimes it's equally hard with a partner. i also understand that accidents happen and that you can make the mistake of falling pregnant at the wrong time, however, once you have experienced how hard it can be, why make another child suffer. i have a child, i was young when i had her and things ain't all been Rosy- for this reason i made the decision to wait until i was financially secure and working after i graduate before having any more children. Having another child knowing you will have to steal to feed them and keep them in nappies is wrong- you shouldn't use your children as an excuse. i have used my situation to motivate myself and achieve better things- it ain't hard to make a better life for yourself if you try.
Tuesday, 17 April 2007

As a response to pearlsofwisdom, 'Rudeness' i would like to say that i totally agree. There are a few poeple in lectures who act as though we are still in school- the difference is that now we are paying 3grand a year for the time we spend here. I aint got that kind of cash to waste and i dont know many people who have- i would like to hear what is being said!!!
Bad cinema
I thou
ght that kids was the perfect choice for our bad cinema session, since watching i have been trying to get my brother and all his friends to watch it. The message i got from the film was about the naivety of youth. young people do believe the stupid myths and gossip they hear about sex, relationships and life in general. By pure luck i managed to escape most of the scenarios played out in the film, but as a mother, sister and friend it was a real eye opener! young people need to have access to the facts about things like aids- without the stigma which seems to be attached to visiting the clinic. I hope that my daughter will be able to come to me in the future and ask questions- without fear of
punishment. Better education and awareness on sexual health issues and general life skills would keep millions more people well and alive each year.
I work as a youth worker and i am regularly amazed by some of the things young people believe! for most of them catching an STD or getting pregnant is a laugh... you can take a course of anti- biotic to clear up any infection, get an abortion or keep the baby and get a free house and benefit! it really is no big thing to them... when i ask them about aids the don't see it as a threat- its
seen as an African or gay problem. these attitudes need to be addressed. The parents of most of these young people are to ignorant, to embarrassed or to busy to allow their kids to ask questions. Most young people are scared to talk to their parents as they fear punishment or judgement- so they turn to their peers who are just as misguided as they are.... Education is the key!
The durex website has loads of information on sarer sex- and loads of ideas for great sex too!!!

I work as a youth worker and i am regularly amazed by some of the things young people believe! for most of them catching an STD or getting pregnant is a laugh... you can take a course of anti- biotic to clear up any infection, get an abortion or keep the baby and get a free house and benefit! it really is no big thing to them... when i ask them about aids the don't see it as a threat- its

The durex website has loads of information on sarer sex- and loads of ideas for great sex too!!!
Monday, 16 April 2007
2 comments made on the 'prostitution' entry:
leewv10 said...
LOL! All geeza's aint like how Miss Woodstock is making out. So its unfair to tar all man with the same brush love! ;-)
26 February 2007 22:31
Jade said...
all men get wound easy- jus depends on how much skill the girl has. thats my opinion any way. maybe u are one of the few men who's brain aint in thier trousers! lol!
22 March 2007 18:03
leewv10 said...
LOL! All geeza's aint like how Miss Woodstock is making out. So its unfair to tar all man with the same brush love! ;-)
26 February 2007 22:31
Jade said...
all men get wound easy- jus depends on how much skill the girl has. thats my opinion any way. maybe u are one of the few men who's brain aint in thier trousers! lol!
22 March 2007 18:03
Something we all do!
The lizard man is an extreme example of body modification...whether it be achieve true beauty or just for the attention and fame this man has dramatically altered his body in a series of irreversible ways....
Although many forms of body modification don't tickle my fancy- changing the way we look is something we all do. Whatever the reason we all seek to be a more beautiful version of ourselves- from the style of our hair, make up, piercings, tattoos- even dieting, we all modify the way we look. Variety is he spice of life, individuality and wanting to be unique is what makes society an interesting place to be...We are bought up with generalised views of what beauty is which change over time- definitions of acceptable 'Beauty' change from generation to generation, but, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder, I ask the question what is true beauty- IS THERE A UNIVERSAL ANSWER?? these people see their modifications as making them beautiful in some way.... How do you see them and why do you see them that way? There is no real right or wrong answer, every one of us has a different outlook....

Although many forms of body modification don't tickle my fancy- changing the way we look is something we all do. Whatever the reason we all seek to be a more beautiful version of ourselves- from the style of our hair, make up, piercings, tattoos- even dieting, we all modify the way we look. Variety is he spice of life, individuality and wanting to be unique is what makes society an interesting place to be...We are bought up with generalised views of what beauty is which change over time- definitions of acceptable 'Beauty' change from generation to generation, but, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder, I ask the question what is true beauty- IS THERE A UNIVERSAL ANSWER?? these people see their modifications as making them beautiful in some way.... How do you see them and why do you see them that way? There is no real right or wrong answer, every one of us has a different outlook....
one night stands are a good idea????? As a response to LEEWV10 (one night stands), do you really think that having sex with random strangers is a good idea? yes it will satisfy a physical need, but it would be a much better experience if the person knew what buttons to press- further more one night stands are usually the result of large amounts of alcohol, meaning you often wouldn't even remember- whats the point? i do agree that you shouldn't dirty your own door step though!
I would just like to point out that condoms are not a hundred percent effective and that the safest thing would be to know the person your sleeping with- and what they could be giving you apart from pleasure!!!
As a resposes to Leewv10's come back to this comment, i would like to say 'FAIR POINT!', WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT, i agree that using condoms does give you some protection and that this is better than nothing, while your young it's fun to experiment. As long as we consider- even for a split second- the future consiquences. As to your question, MIND YOUR BUSINESS! Discretion is a girls best friend!
I would just like to point out that condoms are not a hundred percent effective and that the safest thing would be to know the person your sleeping with- and what they could be giving you apart from pleasure!!!
As a resposes to Leewv10's come back to this comment, i would like to say 'FAIR POINT!', WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT, i agree that using condoms does give you some protection and that this is better than nothing, while your young it's fun to experiment. As long as we consider- even for a split second- the future consiquences. As to your question, MIND YOUR BUSINESS! Discretion is a girls best friend!
Thursday, 29 March 2007
Bandits and out laws

For me one of the most lovable rouges there has ever been is Tupac Shakur. His music could be controversial, violent, vicious and use some of the most offensive and derogatory language going, but at the same time he was in touch with a gentler side of himself, the loving partner/ brother and son. He wrote some of the most moving music, and some of the most inspiring poetry i have ever listened to. Dispite his portrayal of the 'Bad boy', gang member persona, every now and then this would slip and the human side of him would emerge. He reminded us that he was one of us, that he felt the same pain and faced the same struggle. This is the art of a lovable rouge- we don't see the bad, we fall in love with the good.
Monday, 5 March 2007
Infidelity is a very common thing, so common that is almost an acceptable behavior in our society now- unless, it affects us directly, or those who we are close to. That is not to say it is a 'good', behavior- just that we all know and accept that some people cheat.My perception of what makes infidelity attractive is all about the thrill of the chase and secrecy. Its exciting because you are deceiving your partner and getting away with it, its something new and different, you can take on a new persona- try things your to embarrassed to confront your partner with.In most relationships your partner is the one person you can be truly honest with, you can be the real you. I believe that most of us have separate public personalities which conform to some extent to what is expected of us by society. With our partners we can just be. If this is not the case and we don't feel that it is acceptable to reveal our true selves to our partners the infidelity could be a way to get around this and feel a sense of freedom.But the same things that make infidelity attractive also mean that these new relationships (if you can call them that) are often short lived, because the novelty which drew you in to start with soon wears off, either that or your partner finds out or is close to finding out which which either shocks you back to reality or sucks the fun right out.My definition of infidelity is based around 'sex', the phrase 'you can look, but don't touch' is important. At some point we all find other people attractive, that's not wrong. What is wrong is actively pursuing another person with the intent to cheat. A little bit of flirting is ok, its when you intend to take it beyond flirting- because eventually you will succeed and cheat.In order to cheat you have to betray your partner, you have to break their trust and expectations of you- if your in a relationship where your partner knows and expects you to cheat I don't think its cheating- it can only be infidelity if you go against the wishes and expectations of your partner. At the end of the day if your in a committed relationship there is a mutual understanding that you will be monogamous- unless you have both clearly stated otherwise, so if you break this you are betraying your partner. IN ALL HONESTY THOUGH- IT'S AN APPEALING CONCEPT, SOMETHING EXCITING- DEVIOUS, HAVING YOUR CAKE AND EATING IT TOO, the only down side is getting caught and lets face it- you enevitably will (usually sooner, rather than later).
Thursday, 1 March 2007
Here are the song words to Tweet 'oops oh my'- for any one in doubt that she is reffering to pleasuring herself- this should clear things up!
And here is the music video! it comes on in the central window AFTER THE BOUNTY ADVERT- SO KEEP WATCHING! Happy veiwing! (p.s its not to explicit- don't worry)
Here are the song words to Tweet 'oops oh my'- for any one in doubt that she is reffering to pleasuring herself- this should clear things up!
And here is the music video! it comes on in the central window AFTER THE BOUNTY ADVERT- SO KEEP WATCHING! Happy veiwing! (p.s its not to explicit- don't worry)
Monday, 26 February 2007
Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex- then not supply it?
I would see it as being gynal (damn untrustworthy) and theft- but not prostitution, for the simple fact that you did not actually sleep with them. It is not exchanging money for sex- its exchanging the desire and expectation for sex for money- which if you can get away with it from time to time- good for you!
Is it socially acceptable?
through the decades there have been many women who have earned a living- a good living at that- through the seduction of men and playing on thier often obvious desires! The fact that it is done so continuously and successfully suggests that it is socially acceptable- as women continue to get away with it (MEN CONTINUE TO ALLOW THEMSELVES TO BE SUCKERED)
in reality, we may not want to admit it- but it is socially acceptable behaviour, particuarly from women. It is more than common for women every where to accept drinks off a man who offers and then make a sharpe exit, leaving him upset 'cause he thought he was gonna get some! To any men who have been in that position- i say it surves you right. It should take more than a few drinks to get the girl in bed!
This situation usually ends up in court with the women claiming to have been raped and the man believing himself to be innocent- ALL THROUGH MIXED MESSAGES AND MISLEADING COMMUNICATION i.e. flirting and leading the man on is seen as you telling him you want sex even if thats not really your intention. Its always a good idea to think twice about the signals you send out- both intentional and unintensional!!
I THINK ON A WHOLE IT IS WRONG TO LEAD MEN ON IN THIS WAY- but if you can- you will, that's life! Accepting more than one drink from a man and not making the fact that you did not intend to sleep with him clear is mean- even cruel, but it does not make you a prostitute. I think that if men reacted more ratiaonally in these situations, there would be much less dissappiontment! BUT LETS FACE IT LADIES- WE ALL KNOW WHAT THIER AFTER: ACCEPTING MORE THAN ONE DRINK MEANS THEY WILL DRAW A CONCLUSION (usually that your gagging for it) SO MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT ONE.
I would see it as being gynal (damn untrustworthy) and theft- but not prostitution, for the simple fact that you did not actually sleep with them. It is not exchanging money for sex- its exchanging the desire and expectation for sex for money- which if you can get away with it from time to time- good for you!
Is it socially acceptable?
through the decades there have been many women who have earned a living- a good living at that- through the seduction of men and playing on thier often obvious desires! The fact that it is done so continuously and successfully suggests that it is socially acceptable- as women continue to get away with it (MEN CONTINUE TO ALLOW THEMSELVES TO BE SUCKERED)
in reality, we may not want to admit it- but it is socially acceptable behaviour, particuarly from women. It is more than common for women every where to accept drinks off a man who offers and then make a sharpe exit, leaving him upset 'cause he thought he was gonna get some! To any men who have been in that position- i say it surves you right. It should take more than a few drinks to get the girl in bed!
This situation usually ends up in court with the women claiming to have been raped and the man believing himself to be innocent- ALL THROUGH MIXED MESSAGES AND MISLEADING COMMUNICATION i.e. flirting and leading the man on is seen as you telling him you want sex even if thats not really your intention. Its always a good idea to think twice about the signals you send out- both intentional and unintensional!!
I THINK ON A WHOLE IT IS WRONG TO LEAD MEN ON IN THIS WAY- but if you can- you will, that's life! Accepting more than one drink from a man and not making the fact that you did not intend to sleep with him clear is mean- even cruel, but it does not make you a prostitute. I think that if men reacted more ratiaonally in these situations, there would be much less dissappiontment! BUT LETS FACE IT LADIES- WE ALL KNOW WHAT THIER AFTER: ACCEPTING MORE THAN ONE DRINK MEANS THEY WILL DRAW A CONCLUSION (usually that your gagging for it) SO MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT ONE.
Is shoplifting any different from any other kind of theft?
This all depends- is your motive Need or Greed? To me Steeling nappies for your baby when your desperately broke (for reasons outside of your control) from a faceless super market chain who is morally acceptable, on the other hand if you stole nappies because you spent your last fiver on fags- that aint acceptable! I think shoplifting is different because super markets expect that a certain percentage of thier stock will leave the store unpaid for- they take this fact into thier costs and profit margins, shoplifting is further justified by NEED for the items taken. Although the same principal could be applied to mugging a granny (nicking her pension to pay your rent so that you and your family don't get evicted) any situation where a person is physically or emotionally hurt, to me, is wrong. Shoplifting hurts faceless companies- not little old grannies!
Why do people who can afford things shoplift them intead?
REBELLION- THE THRILL- EXCITEMENT- BEING TIGHT!!!!!!!!! Just because you can pay for something doesn't mean you will! I must confess that during my early years at secondary school- so immorally, i often had the cash to pay for items but didn't. I did it purely for the buzz- often taking things i didn't even want, never mind need.
This all depends- is your motive Need or Greed? To me Steeling nappies for your baby when your desperately broke (for reasons outside of your control) from a faceless super market chain who is morally acceptable, on the other hand if you stole nappies because you spent your last fiver on fags- that aint acceptable! I think shoplifting is different because super markets expect that a certain percentage of thier stock will leave the store unpaid for- they take this fact into thier costs and profit margins, shoplifting is further justified by NEED for the items taken. Although the same principal could be applied to mugging a granny (nicking her pension to pay your rent so that you and your family don't get evicted) any situation where a person is physically or emotionally hurt, to me, is wrong. Shoplifting hurts faceless companies- not little old grannies!
Why do people who can afford things shoplift them intead?
REBELLION- THE THRILL- EXCITEMENT- BEING TIGHT!!!!!!!!! Just because you can pay for something doesn't mean you will! I must confess that during my early years at secondary school- so immorally, i often had the cash to pay for items but didn't. I did it purely for the buzz- often taking things i didn't even want, never mind need.
Friday, 23 February 2007

An interesting point that was raised on this issue, was that, although i have never put a fag to my lips with the intention to smoke it- i have smoked! Passive smoking is not one of my major concerns, but when it comes down to it- it should be. but then again there are plenty of things that individuals choose to do for recreation which end up impacting my life, infact there is an almost endless list of things i SHOULD be concerned about-There are people who drink and drive, food companies pumping uneccessary chemicals into my food, global warming! We all do things which contribute to negative concequences to those around us (driving to the corner shop round the corner= pollution=global warming). It's easy to get on your soap box and preach to other people, but sometimes i feel that moral panics end up restricting the freedom of choice of the individual. It will be nice to take my daughter out without her breathing in large amounts of smoke- Don't get me wrong, but as with most things my stand on smoking is this... What you do in your home (or allow to be done in your home) is your business. i have a lot of friends and relatives who smoke and to be honest- i'm glad they do half the time! there are a lot of people who wouldn't be much fun if they didn't have a stress relieving fag, or a stop the nerves fag, if that's your way of dealing with things then so be it. As long as people are informed of the concequences of thier actions, i think they should have the right to decide whether it is the right thing for them.
Thursday, 15 February 2007
'Bad field trip'
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