Friday 23 February 2007


An interesting point that was raised on this issue, was that, although i have never put a fag to my lips with the intention to smoke it- i have smoked! Passive smoking is not one of my major concerns, but when it comes down to it- it should be. but then again there are plenty of things that individuals choose to do for recreation which end up impacting my life, infact there is an almost endless list of things i SHOULD be concerned about-There are people who drink and drive, food companies pumping uneccessary chemicals into my food, global warming! We all do things which contribute to negative concequences to those around us (driving to the corner shop round the corner= pollution=global warming). It's easy to get on your soap box and preach to other people, but sometimes i feel that moral panics end up restricting the freedom of choice of the individual. It will be nice to take my daughter out without her breathing in large amounts of smoke- Don't get me wrong, but as with most things my stand on smoking is this... What you do in your home (or allow to be done in your home) is your business. i have a lot of friends and relatives who smoke and to be honest- i'm glad they do half the time! there are a lot of people who wouldn't be much fun if they didn't have a stress relieving fag, or a stop the nerves fag, if that's your way of dealing with things then so be it. As long as people are informed of the concequences of thier actions, i think they should have the right to decide whether it is the right thing for them.