Monday 26 February 2007


Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex- then not supply it?
I would see it as being gynal (damn untrustworthy) and theft- but not prostitution, for the simple fact that you did not actually sleep with them. It is not exchanging money for sex- its exchanging the desire and expectation for sex for money- which if you can get away with it from time to time- good for you!

Is it socially acceptable?
through the decades there have been many women who have earned a living- a good living at that- through the seduction of men and playing on thier often obvious desires! The fact that it is done so continuously and successfully suggests that it is socially acceptable- as women continue to get away with it (MEN CONTINUE TO ALLOW THEMSELVES TO BE SUCKERED)
in reality, we may not want to admit it- but it is socially acceptable behaviour, particuarly from women. It is more than common for women every where to accept drinks off a man who offers and then make a sharpe exit, leaving him upset 'cause he thought he was gonna get some! To any men who have been in that position- i say it surves you right. It should take more than a few drinks to get the girl in bed!
This situation usually ends up in court with the women claiming to have been raped and the man believing himself to be innocent- ALL THROUGH MIXED MESSAGES AND MISLEADING COMMUNICATION i.e. flirting and leading the man on is seen as you telling him you want sex even if thats not really your intention. Its always a good idea to think twice about the signals you send out- both intentional and unintensional!!
I THINK ON A WHOLE IT IS WRONG TO LEAD MEN ON IN THIS WAY- but if you can- you will, that's life! Accepting more than one drink from a man and not making the fact that you did not intend to sleep with him clear is mean- even cruel, but it does not make you a prostitute. I think that if men reacted more ratiaonally in these situations, there would be much less dissappiontment! BUT LETS FACE IT LADIES- WE ALL KNOW WHAT THIER AFTER: ACCEPTING MORE THAN ONE DRINK MEANS THEY WILL DRAW A CONCLUSION (usually that your gagging for it) SO MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT ONE.


Is shoplifting any different from any other kind of theft?
This all depends- is your motive Need or Greed? To me Steeling nappies for your baby when your desperately broke (for reasons outside of your control) from a faceless super market chain who is morally acceptable, on the other hand if you stole nappies because you spent your last fiver on fags- that aint acceptable! I think shoplifting is different because super markets expect that a certain percentage of thier stock will leave the store unpaid for- they take this fact into thier costs and profit margins, shoplifting is further justified by NEED for the items taken. Although the same principal could be applied to mugging a granny (nicking her pension to pay your rent so that you and your family don't get evicted) any situation where a person is physically or emotionally hurt, to me, is wrong. Shoplifting hurts faceless companies- not little old grannies!

Why do people who can afford things shoplift them intead?
REBELLION- THE THRILL- EXCITEMENT- BEING TIGHT!!!!!!!!! Just because you can pay for something doesn't mean you will! I must confess that during my early years at secondary school- so immorally, i often had the cash to pay for items but didn't. I did it purely for the buzz- often taking things i didn't even want, never mind need.