Monday 26 February 2007


Is shoplifting any different from any other kind of theft?
This all depends- is your motive Need or Greed? To me Steeling nappies for your baby when your desperately broke (for reasons outside of your control) from a faceless super market chain who is morally acceptable, on the other hand if you stole nappies because you spent your last fiver on fags- that aint acceptable! I think shoplifting is different because super markets expect that a certain percentage of thier stock will leave the store unpaid for- they take this fact into thier costs and profit margins, shoplifting is further justified by NEED for the items taken. Although the same principal could be applied to mugging a granny (nicking her pension to pay your rent so that you and your family don't get evicted) any situation where a person is physically or emotionally hurt, to me, is wrong. Shoplifting hurts faceless companies- not little old grannies!

Why do people who can afford things shoplift them intead?
REBELLION- THE THRILL- EXCITEMENT- BEING TIGHT!!!!!!!!! Just because you can pay for something doesn't mean you will! I must confess that during my early years at secondary school- so immorally, i often had the cash to pay for items but didn't. I did it purely for the buzz- often taking things i didn't even want, never mind need.

1 comment:

lula said...

Hi Jade,

On your comments about shoplifting; yes, i totally agree, i think rebellion is a big thing especially for adolescents. I know when i was around 14 i used to regularly nick sweets and stuff from the local shop. Part of it was simply cockiness and the thrill of seeing what i could get away with and some was acting out the traumas that were going on at home- i think kids find various ways of seeking help and attention, i know i did. The shopkeeper caught me the one day and asked if i would like to pay for the stuff in my pocket! luckily i was given a telling off and it scared me enough that i never did it again. when i look back i feel a bit guilty but i guess it is all part of growing up eh.