Wednesday 18 April 2007


As a response to your blog on religion, i was also christened church of England when i was a baby- and have since had a Christian blessing for my own daughter, but despite this i am not particularly religious. I guess i did it for the sake of 'Tradition' (whatever that means). I feel like i want my daughter to go to church and have the same experiences that i have- but i don't really know what i believe in these days. My experiences of religion in recent years have been full of hypocrisy and people using religion as an excuse for hate and badness against others. Some of the things i learnt as a child about unconditional love and not judging others, seems to be forgotten by 'Christians' who condem you for your choices. The way i see it we all have to live and learn, and if there is a god, then one day i will answer to him for my actions!

I would like to respond to a question by Jess Kate which came out of an earlier blog i wrote on Shoplifting. she asks: However can it still be justified to the parent that cant afford to look after one baby but continues to get pregnant? My answer would be no. I fully understand the physical, emotional and financial pressures a woman faces trying to bring up a child alone- sometimes it's equally hard with a partner. i also understand that accidents happen and that you can make the mistake of falling pregnant at the wrong time, however, once you have experienced how hard it can be, why make another child suffer. i have a child, i was young when i had her and things ain't all been Rosy- for this reason i made the decision to wait until i was financially secure and working after i graduate before having any more children. Having another child knowing you will have to steal to feed them and keep them in nappies is wrong- you shouldn't use your children as an excuse. i have used my situation to motivate myself and achieve better things- it ain't hard to make a better life for yourself if you try.