Thursday 3 May 2007

Teenage pregnancy

Just wanted some response on this one...There seems to be an abundance of negative opinions on teen pregnancy and how we, as a society, should stop it from happening... but why? Do teen parents produce strange mutant children who threaten to take over the world? Yes i agree that most girls who get pregnant young do so through ignorance naivety or because they desperately want someone to love- some even do it to get a council house or so that they can get benefit... but some of these girls make great mothers, Is this a point that is being overlooked?
I had my daughter young... (she's not a mutant) and i think i have done an excellent job- shes intelligent, she passed all her developmental milestones early- walking at 8months, she's polite and as manners and speaks at an advanced level for her age... she's never dirty, her clothes are always clean and ironed! I live alone and run the house myself- that too is always clean- there are no major health risks, i don't drink or smoke and my child is safe and loved (all this even if i do say so myself). Can someone please tell me why the government is placing so much emphasis on preventing children like my daughter being born... have i made a poor parent simply because i was young? With the right attitude and information anyone can successfully raise a child- is having your first child any less difficult at 25-30? i don't think it is- your still starting from scratch with little experience and we all have to learn how to be a good parent- regardless of age.
As you can probably see i feel strongly on this issue...some girls do find it hard to cope with a baby young but i feel that if these girls were better informed on everything from contraception to pregnancy and parenting they would be able to make better choices- one of these may still be to have a child... is this so wrong? some older people ave children that they don't look after- just talk to social services!
If they do decide to have a baby young they need support not criticism...we don't all sponge off your taxes! I work and go to university and i am a fantastic mom!!! There seems to be an assumption that surviving on benefit is a desirable choice for people- perhaps it is for a small ignorant minority, but most people want better out of life- for themselves and their children.
In other societies it is normal for teenage girls to marry and have children- why is it such an issue in the west??

Response to a blog on 'Kids', Blog title 'Being Bad'. i totally agree that some people have over reacted to this film (saying that it should never have been made) yes- your right i think it is important for people to see! the images and perspectives depicted in this film represent real life for a lot of young people in society today- there's no point pretending its not happening, burying our heads in the sand doesn't make the problem go away. Ignorance kills, thinking it wont happen to you makes young and naive people take risks which result in the rising HIV and AIDS rates in the UK today.