Thursday 19 April 2007

A response to ' Is there such thing as being to religious?'

Blog title Be good at being bad...

I agree with what you said about some religious teachings often encouraging us to behave in a better way( not being violent etc) and i feel that religion is vital to many of us in giving us a sense of belonging, identity and unity.I was bought up in the christian faith but as i have grown up i have become less and less religious, i find myself wondering if it is right to follow religion- there are thousands of religions and we can't all be right- what do you think? do you think it is ok simply to try and live a good and honest life, without believeng in one particular version of the truth?I also agree that people use religion to justify terrorism and general badness like genocide- this is wrong, every religion i know teaches us to love others and respect thier veiws even when we do not always agree- I think that was a good point for you to make.

Domestic abuse

Just wanted to throw this one out there... what do you think? I Think all of us have some experience of domestic violence even if it is remote (i.e. we know a friend or relative). Growing up i was bought up knowing that domestic violence was a 'normal' part of some relationships- but with the double standard that if any man ever hit me my dad would kill him!!! I know that most people are shocked by some of the tales we hear on the media, but having over heard these tales from the loving adults around me as a young child- i think i have been desensitised. I don't think i could ever be in a relationship and allow a man to abuse me- i think i have been bought up to have a fighting spirit and i would fight back, through whatever means. Is it that these women have no self worth, no value of their lives- has this been taken away from them, do they feel that they need the Man and so wont leave, do these abusers have psychological control over their victims?

If you do reply to this blog please leave a comment on the comments page as well as on your own blog so that i can read it! thanks. here are some government statistics and help lines for any one who wants more info.

I would just like to comment on an image used in Donnie's Blog- on the topic of masturbation! Well done- if ever there was an image which would stick in your mind and put you off, you found it!!!
Bill Crosby, looking disapproving, holding a sign saying: 'when you masturbate your deceased relatives watch you from heaven and cry!'
The last thing you would want to think about when committing any sexual act would be your Great Gran or anyone else watching you- Thanks for putting the idea in my head! lol Take a look for yourselves!