Monday 30 April 2007

i read a blog on smacking by a fellow student and i would like to high light one point... the law talks about parents who hit so hard it leaves a mark- to me if your bruising or marking up the child's skin it is abuse. as a child i got 'beaten' but my parents never marked me- it hurt like hell for a few minutes but there were never any marks. As a mother i always watch the 'super Nannie' shows- an i agree its a load of rubbish, every child is different and responds differently- the naughty step ain't always appropriate punishment. i do smack my daughter, but only if all else fails (naughty step, taking toys etc). i think that as a child i took a calculated risk sometimes- doing things even with the threat of a beating- so i don't think it had a major negative affect on me. i was never scared of my parents- i knew right from wrong, and i knew what was expected of me- if i stepped out of line i knew what to expect.
smacking is an accepted form of punishment in many communities and cultures- i think England is becoming to much of a Nannie state- its up to you as a parent to decide whats best for your children- OK there are some extreme cases where individuals go to far and put their children at risk- but should we all be penalised for this minority. should we be left to raise our children as we feel? what do you think about this new law?