Tuesday 17 April 2007

Bad cinema

I thought that kids was the perfect choice for our bad cinema session, since watching i have been trying to get my brother and all his friends to watch it. The message i got from the film was about the naivety of youth. young people do believe the stupid myths and gossip they hear about sex, relationships and life in general. By pure luck i managed to escape most of the scenarios played out in the film, but as a mother, sister and friend it was a real eye opener! young people need to have access to the facts about things like aids- without the stigma which seems to be attached to visiting the clinic. I hope that my daughter will be able to come to me in the future and ask questions- without fear of punishment. Better education and awareness on sexual health issues and general life skills would keep millions more people well and alive each year.

I work as a youth worker and i am regularly amazed by some of the things young people believe! for most of them catching an STD or getting pregnant is a laugh... you can take a course of anti- biotic to clear up any infection, get an abortion or keep the baby and get a free house and benefit! it really is no big thing to them... when i ask them about aids the don't see it as a threat- its seen as an African or gay problem. these attitudes need to be addressed. The parents of most of these young people are to ignorant, to embarrassed or to busy to allow their kids to ask questions. Most young people are scared to talk to their parents as they fear punishment or judgement- so they turn to their peers who are just as misguided as they are.... Education is the key!

The durex website has loads of information on sarer sex- and loads of ideas for great sex too!!!

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